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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza, the dozens more bodies are fined in mass graves in guys and they, you joins for you and, and calling for an independent investigation. the tell me about this, and this is all just even life when you go home. also coming up. israel target has ball up positions across lebanon's board. i'm in the heavier strides since the warning jobs have begun. protestant installed, the daughters approach has sent us universities gain momentum, more students that are arrested for opposing israel's war on guns. and the report says, nearly 300000000 people around the world are facing high levels of food insecurity . conflicts on the major accounts,
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the . so we're going to be getting gaza whether it are growing international calls for an investigation into mass graves that have been discovered in southern gaza. the european union has not joined the united nations of demanding an independent pro on whitening state. another 51 bodies were finding the grounds of a hospital in con eunice, more than 300 have been discovered as in saturday, of the art gravely concerned by the by the result, the discovery of most grace in the found you nice. i mean, i'll, she follow speed, obviously something that the forces us to quote for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that's why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability a single elsewhere, and there's
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a volleyball refugee camp in the north. an air strike has wanted at least 5 people . 3 refugee camps in the central region have also been hit. the health ministry says another 79 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. i'm gonna go straight to tell a couple of resume whose life for us in rafa. so more bodies being discovered in these graves, i'm growing pressure for i'm investigation topic. the well, that's right, roman faxed over 300 say did bodies have been recovered from the eyes of the knots for hospital off so they use but it was a try one from that's area. as they have been announcing the ends of the operation . stop all the bodies that have been recovered from such areas are completely up being the experience as a number of these bodies have been hardly to be identified among their family members. i'm 10 of the time of the relative spot. yet the civil defense proves and along with medical, black is black and on the ground right now they can find more bodies in these areas
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fall yet according to eyewitnesses, as they use very military well inside the hospitality have interesting men, women, and even elderly people that they have been subject to tend to even investigations in different departments of the hospital as late to the bodies that have been recovered, have holding sides to be complete. the rest of those that has been completely hand costs towards the back of the head of the back of the bodies at the same time, some families to now we're waiting to find their beloved ones. it among the dues that body as well. yes, it's not the fast and so there's documented to have carried out talk to him and that you act. and that way while the is very ministry, had been saying that these claims are completely useless. but the real problem is that investigation teams cannot really have an access to these areas due to the it's very ongoing denial for them to get access to the territory as new bodies are expected to be uncovered within the coming days on. that's what,
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how city is on. uh, medical was and the remaining part of it remaining function of hospitals in the south are really worried about which is that the majority of hospitals that are remaining operational in the rough, our district could be turned into a graveyards as what happened to the majority of hospitals are for several areas where the military has a free to previously, and all the pots of attack treat to the backdrop to all of this, of course, has the ongoing fighting. just bring us up to date with the latest strikes. briefly the yes, the past, the last that is very wave of attacks. i've talked to multiple houses and then other parts of the causes check. one of the houses in another neighborhood has been completely destroyed, where at least 3 palestinians have for reports of kill while 12 others being wounded. and similarly in just few uh, kilometers away from that location. i like your move markets or the percentage of that place had been widely targeted as
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a residential house was completely flat. since that point, we have been hearing heavy fire going exchange we how much product is in the east. really ministry in the area, which is one of the closest areas to the new who redo it, that the military had is thomas devising the golf this trip into 2 areas as well? and this has, that has been hearing loud explosions by that is read onto the read units that have bound to the number of residential buildings in, on the so ross on them side on their rebuttal area in the middle at the, in the middle region of district as a medical teams are working right now to recover more entries from such parts of the territory type, thank you very much indeed. try to call those who i'm talking to as they're from a raffle. well, we've reached out to the is really ministry for their reaction to these allegations with regards to the, the mass graves, they have sent us a response. this is from an is where the military spokes person is or not off. so shiny, it says misinformation. i'm quoting here, misinformation is circulating regarding a mass grave that was discovered enough of hospital and con units. the graving
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question was dug by guys, and he says, a few months ago. this fact is cooperation by social media documentation uploaded by gardens at the time of the burial i seen in the video below. this was attached to a video link that any attempt to blame israel, he says, for being civilians in mass graves is categorically false. and immediate example as he puts it of this information campaign aimed at the electorate legitimizing. israel luigi danielle is a senior elect to the nursing and law school and he was among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special proper to those guys genocide report of the un human rights council. he says, systematic crimes have already been committed in gaza on a higher risk scale. we are witnessing reports by a multi police city of crazy, both human rights organizations, media outlets documenting you a relevant list targeting of cdns or otherwise protected by students of at
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least 2518 workers. subbing to you the, the, the off the, some of the coordination of do you mind is that enough fair secans, 490 out workers queued since the beginning of these media dot com. so. ready it's true that there being no concrete results of existing investigations, but we don't know if nothing is happened because the international court was already investigating pro level international crimes by both parties to this conflict. and the prosecute of the international court is made clearly multiple locations. so that the court east investigating also probable crimes committed by these really are me. so there is a distinct likely that's august. we're on our event event for you as a leader. so,
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but let me stress that they are longer overdue. the injustice then system of the crimes and already been completed on their re fi, cook's k u. as these muskrats demonstrate so slowly, international community should the pressure immediate to august warrants to try to prevent the continuation of these crimes on us has released a video of a captive held in gaza. at house coe about poland is an american, is really it was taken captive at the music festival on october. the 7th. we're gonna get more than this with the correspondent and occupied east jerusalem bernard smith. what's the message in this video back a roll. this is a the 2nd video this last week, but has been released by how much that was won a couple of weeks ago. this one shows 23 year old hersh goldberg polling. he says he's been held captive nearly 200 days. so that suggest the video has been shot very recently as well. now,
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just over the 200 day mocks ends. october the 7th. the studies had being held deep on the ground and needs medical treatment. he also openly criticized benjamin netanyahu, says he's not doing enough to get the captives out. of course he's captive a not speaking freely from without being held. they will be told what they can and cannot say, but an indication anyway, setting it to his mother, rachel goldberg, poland who's been competing vigorously for her son's release. that's still a lot. he was actually taken captive from the supernova, music festival. and in the video that's been released now, he's missing his laptop and at the time video was being showed at the time he was taken captive back in october, the 7th. and then he seemed being dragged away in a grenade, had been thrown into a shelter where they would have blown off his lifetime to now he said he needs of course medical treatment and doesn't have access to it,
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backed up to all of this. so it has also being the concerns by egypt, which of course it shares a border with both as real and, and guys about the impact of a potential is really military operation in the rough. uh, i understand that there is a report that the chief of staff, of using the armies meeting title, talking about potential military operation. what do we know about that? as well as folks as a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he said again today that is rarely is moving ahead with the ground operation. and rafa they said the defense ministers will $40000.00 times, each won't look and hold $10.00 to $12.00. people on the war cabinet is going to meet in the next couple of weeks to authorize, civilian and occupations, but code last about a month. and then we have this report, the head of a military, i'm had a few bad. i've been in cairo meeting the accounts of past that just sort of a sewage that concerns about what this operation is gonna look like. the egyptians
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very worried that it's going to be tens of thousands of people forced over the folder from russia into egypt. if there is a large scale operation. but it was these reports from egypt suggest that these ran, these are hidden to get something less intense. if you like by saying that there will be a slow and gradual action instead of a comprehensive invasion of there's no deadline for it to start to be stopped when the humanitarian conditions allow we know of course, as well in the huge pressure from the americans, particularly not to have a large scale ground operation netanyahu, so he's going to go ahead with it for a full. i must battalions deluxe. how much is leadership is deluxe. and y'all who wants to get better. thank you very much indeed. bonus smith and occupied east jerusalem. well, these are the army says it's launched at least 40 air strikes and what it claims or has ball of targets in southern 11 on is the largest number of strikes carried out in a single days since the across the board. a conflict gun on his wallet. opened up
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a fund to help its ally home us in garza in october tuesday as well. our last its deepest strike into israel was in a corner as being the following developments for most young and southern loving. the 11 on israel border remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, parts of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory, since it opened the front to help relieve its ally, how much in gaza on in october. it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of iraq are some 15 kilometers from the border. and that statement, the arm group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members. there was a target to the assassination, yet another targeted assassination on tuesday. so hezbollah trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations if these targeted assassinations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is as well
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carrying out these drones strikes, taking out field commanders fighters has all those infrastructure us president joe biden signed into law on $95000000000.00 fall on a package. it includes $60000000000.00 in military assistance for your train and $26000000000.00 to israel biden's at the transfer of an initial, a package of military assistance for you. training will begin in a matter of hours. i'm making sure the shipments start right away. next few hours, literally the few hours we're here, we're going to begin to send in equipment to ukraine for air defense positions for artillery, for rocket systems and armored vehicles. you know, this package is literally an investment, not only in your rent, your credit security, but in europe security in our own security. meantime, ukrainians rows of attacked oil facilities in western russia. a striking and energy
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jeff on this valenze region caused a large far, but there were no reports of casualties. officials reported another attack targeting facilities for the sum of any pets. i didn't you train at least 6 people have been injured in russian attack on the eastern city of hawkins. marseilles had to a residential area damaging buildings and dozens of cars. still ahead on all just hate wave of scorching parts of asia. we're going to have a report from bangladesh, the town council, the cost germany is being gauging with china on trade. why consul in breakup with badging? materials? currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working, and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council, the costs on alice's era. now let me tell you about safari equal results. the 1st
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of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on within a large 3rd space of a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, resorted in gun sears from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites app to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think is it the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the what you know, what is it a reminder of our top? so is this uh, the you and the you are calling for an independent investigation officer or another 51 bodies were recovered from mass graves. the remains of more than 300 people living fine in the drive. i'm not so hot on you. this is really military is responded saying, one of those frames was done by the people who of casa. is there any fights or jackson types of embodying the strips in the air underground? giovanni, a refugee north on here, stripe will that at least 5 people. and 3 refugee camps in the central region of being target, again, is really mandatory, as long as the tax and what it says are as follows. sites in the southern level, it says at least $40.00 strikes,
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targeted positions between the border times. if i have to shop jeremy and protest against israel as well and gaza growing at universities across the us, these are the scenes at columbia university. students are counting out despite dozens of arrests on monday, students from massachusetts to california, calling for universities to cut ties with us companies, the profit from the war, christmas, whom is joining us from outside columbia university. so despite the arrest presence more protest of the absolutely, it's a bit quieter today that it was last night when the campus was very animated and loud. and there were rumors of the and cabinets being cleared yet again. and demonstrators showed up outside of the campus as well as on the campus to support the cause of a ceasefire in gaza. today, you can see behind me there's still a massive police presence here. there's barricade,
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set of all around the campus to try to keep things calm, and we are joined now by a professor, a faculty member here, a lecture, the sancho panza, who is with the law school. thank you so much for coming and giving us the latest information. i know dozens of faculty came out on monday to support and protest the rest of the students. do you think they represent the majority of faculty here? it's hard to say if there was that the majority, but the number of faculty are really furious at the university present, made the decision to call new york city police department onto campus police department, the history of brutality. and this has made a pose to the senate university center. they've jumped into that this happening and we are really curious. 100 of us came and stood on the steps a few days ago to protest this decision. 54 members, the loss was permanent. faculty wrote directly to the president objecting to it, and so is quite a bit of anger among the faculty, even among people who don't support the protesters of the fact that the new york
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city police departments brought in against what is essentially a peaceful protest students camping out on the lawn. yeah, you mentioned the columbia senate who is involved in the columbia senate and there were some rumors of a censure resolution against the presidential fee because of the way the police were called. is that correct? what's the latest there? yeah, so the university center is made up of faculty students. the administrator is um, the president is required to consult the senate prior to bringing in the police. she did that, the senate rejected it and she went ahead anyways, by all accounts. now she is up for a centre by the senate. i think that reflects the extent of the anger on the campus against this decision. the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, due to visit the campus this afternoon. he's going to meet with jewish students and speak to the media about what he calls the rising anti semitism on college campuses . would you agree that there is rising anti semitism? i think that some of doesn't, has no place on our campus. we need to be really clear about that at the same time
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we need to be clear that advocating for policy human rights is not in itself that there's a medic and i would encourage speaker jobs and to go to the cabinet to meet with protesters there. many of whom are 2 as i saw them holding a passover seder there a few days ago. and i think you're going to be speaking with you as soon as on campus. you should make sure to speak with all of that all the use on campus. and the governor, kathy hoko has been here as well. there's been concerns raised about the national guard being called in. is that something that you're hearing? what are, what are students talking about feeling and, or do you feel the commitment that they're going to say, despite this 48 hour deadline students, many of them are committed to staying and then camp. and there's been a lot of rumors swirling about the near police department, the national guard coming back in. i'm looking around it seems very difficult to justify that. again. these are students peacefully camping out on the lawn when they've been there. most of the time they're studying and so the idea of calling in troops to a campus where again, this is a piece of process just seems way of, of the mark in terms of what's justified here. the school has been very vague when
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they've raised security concerns about what it is they're talking about and it should be a very high bar to bring in police on your own students. awesome, thank you so much for joining us and giving us the latest here. i'm sure we'll talk to you again soon. the you heard there from a lecture here at columbia university. this is where it all started. this latest wave of college demonstrations that we're seeing expand across the country with the university of texas. holding a sit in the is brown university, now also has a encampment on their campus in about a dozen others at least across the country now with pro palestinian rallies taking place christmas. so let me talking to some new york kristin. thank you very much indeed. what an australia, dozens of students and teachers of the university and sydney held demonstrations in this on the direct deposit starting. it also set up and camp it's the students are calling for israel to end its war on concept around this president. abraham lacy is
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in sure line come on a visit aimed at strength. thing by last old ties is meeting present is running. it will become a single and in organizing, a multi $1000000.00 power plant, built by innovation engineering and company ahead of those visits, i spent 3 days in pakistan and this part of this to of south asia european parliament has approved the proposed law. that would be on a single use plastic packaging and it is adopted in the for the 1st reading of fall event is close to on demands from fast food restaurants in plastic bags for groceries as well as many cars metrics, buffaloes and hotels would all be bond onto the lump, it's going to come into effect in 2030. if it's for us to find to buy e u member states. what is really important are for things i would say one is so a boss, us inability of packaging. the 2nd thing is to ensure that what we do so we don't forget about the functions the packaging has a so you know,
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the protecting the proud of protecting the consumers. allowing for this to be transported and for 12 arm, an ice rules, so that to prevent barrios between marriage across member states. global food and security has gotten worse for the 5th consecutive year. the global report on food crises says it's spreading. conflicts are one of the main causes of hunger for hundreds of millions of people. call them back on looks at the worst case countries the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories on the brink of famine,
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catastrophic hunger. and almost all of them are in gaza. the stripped entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less, more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand, and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger and extreme heat. wave is scorching pots of safe and southeast asia and bangladesh
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and schools are shots. at least 5 people have died of heat stroke. counter charging reports from the capital dock which is recorded. it causes the temperature in decades. bangladesh has record at a temperate joseph 40 degrees celsius and above for weeks with no signs of the heat wave is going to and the high levels of humanity in tucker are making it worse. some of the city is richard driver of having to find innovative ways to cope. i'll put this on to keep cool. it's to whole top side. i kind of ferrets this quote and scoffed. does not seem to help much. just provide me with some shade from the sun. the hottest temperature recorded this month was 42.6 degrees celsius in the west of the country. although it's monsoon season, no rain has fallen yet, and rivers are drying up. as study by the agriculture research institute has found, harvest are smaller due to the heat stress on plants and increased demand for
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radiation. they've gone out of the city of the climate change does have an impact. the temperatures are increasing globally. our study shows a gradual increase in temperature seemed bangladesh of this year. we haven't seen the usual monsoon rates in april. we started back as record at its highest temperature in decades with the mockery rising to 40.6 degrees celsius mitchell. i just won the extreme heat may linger until may. a 3rd is of ox, hospitals, and clinics to be prepared as number of patient is increasing with symptoms ranging from feverish headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. the wetlands and trees are disappearing as industrial growth accelerates, and people in urban areas of feeling the heat even more about this in some good demand for funds. and that condition is very high right now, and there is a shortage. there is not enough stock on hand, so the price is also increasing invoice and study the world material logical
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organization noted heat waves across asia were becoming more severe. and one that the combined with melting play shares, the regions, future water security is under threat. it will bank study in 2021, estimated heat waves could cause a 10 to 15 percent decrease in rise. see of the staple crop in bangladesh. if there's any crisis anywhere in the country, we can manage the situation so far. we're in control, but we don't have control over nature, and we just have to accept it. scientists save the unusual weather patterns continue. they could disrupt the livelihoods of thousands of farmers, can reach out to me. i was easy to talk of people living in athens. i seen this guy turns orange, the apocalyptic seems. what caused by clouds of dust from the heart of does it blew in from north africa? the government's asking people with the spiritual conditions to limit the time they spend,
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adults trying to the cost is up. next. i don't forget the website because lots more background information and pictures. they're obviously the dot com. i know about us and stay with us and we'll just see the the. so hello. there is a story of scorching heat from much of south asia with heat wave warnings out for parts of india as well as bangladesh. what remains very hot and humid. we've had a nation wide heat wave declared with temperatures picking rights up in the capital . vaca schools have been closed. people have been told to stay out of the sun and you can see the temperature is going to sit around 40 degrees celsius of the next few days. so well above the average will see those hot and humid conditions continuing. and the heat remains across eastern parts of india with red warnings
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and paste the west. bengal amber looks out stretching old way from the hot zone to under a pradesh. it is gonna be very hot across from the central areas. but we could see some heath of the day thunder storms across many areas. for the winter weather, however, we have to head for the west across afghanistan and pakistan will see the rain pickup across the west and areas of pockets down on friday. and heavy rain is the story, once again, to southern pots of china in areas it for devastating flooding. like one don't, you can see that rain running its way for the spring heavy falls to tie one. it will start to push its way into southern parts of depend on friday, but it looks funny and dry in took you hearing this fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet we'll get. we're forcing from
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the action job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age workers, right side of rec, targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this accept it? isn't that acceptable? i'll just say it was teams across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story of what the the kind of them and they're gonna put on. and this is counting the cost on out. just say a, we can look at the world of business and economics. this week. germany is re engaging with china and trade despite the east flexing muscles with aging. so why consulate


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